Fair ICT Flanders

With this project, CATAPA vzw, Bond Beter Leefmilieu and Ondernemers voor Ondernemers aim to make the policy on ICT purchasing and processing in Flanders more sustainable. CATAPA has been working on the socio-environmental impact of mining since 2005. Fair ICT Flanders is a project that will run for 3 years, financed by the Flemish government.


The production of ICT products such as smartphones, computers and laptops has a very large impact on people and the environment. The extraction of metals and minerals needed for these products is often accompanied by human rights violations and ecological destruction. The assembly of laptops and smartphones takes place in low-wage factories where labour rights are not respected. The duration of use is very short and the design of ICT is not aimed at reusability of components, creating a gigantic heap of e-waste. In addition, almost four percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the ICT sector.

Target group

This project focuses on the large private and public consumers of ICT products in Flanders. As large consumers of ICT, one can exert an important influence on ICT companies in order to make their production chain more sustainable in a structural way. A sustainable ICT purchasing and processing policy can be an important lever for a better world.


Fair ICT Flanders aims for companies, social organisations, governments and higher education institutions to take concrete steps to develop a sustainable ICT purchasing and processing policy. Ultimately, Fair ICT Flanders aims to contribute to a more sustainable future and the improvement of working and living conditions for communities affected by the extractivist and ICT production sector in the Global South.


Within the project, an intensive coaching programme will be offered on the basis of different working methods. The joint learning process and the exchange of good practices between the different participating organisations will be inspiring.

In the first year, the learning platform will start with the participating organisations, including companies being able to participate in workshops and webinars on Fair ICT purchasing and processing policy. You can choose which activities you want to participate in. The organisations will have access to a toolbox that provides concrete tools for integrating sustainability criteria into the purchasing procedures. We also consider the possibilities in terms of reusability and the overall extension of the life span of ICT material. At the end of this year, it will be possible to decide whether to continue working as a pilot organisation.

In the second and third year we will continue with a number of ‘pilots’. Within a learning network, these leaders are supported in taking concrete steps and one-to-one guidance is provided. These ‘good examples’ will receive the necessary publicity.

Will your organisation be in the lead?

Does your organisation want to be a leader in the field of sustainability? Does your organisation want to be more aware of its ICT purchases and save money? Does your organisation want to reduce its impact on the climate? Then take part in the project and benefit from free support in this challenge and new space for learning. In this way, you can take concrete steps to make your ICT purchasing policy more sustainable, as well as taking into account the existing electronics in circulation.

Interested, or have any questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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